ContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContent ksajhdskjdsadhsakljdsljdbasljkdkdhsalkdjhsalkjdhsalkdhsalkdahsljkfdskFJHADSLFHJDLSKHDSLKHFLKSHJFDSKHFDSLFHDSLFHDSKLJFHDSLKJFHDSLAFHDSLKFHDLSKJHFLDSHFLSsajhdlashdladhladshfldkghfdlghfdghalkghfdhgfldaghdlghfdlkhfdlkh

If you would like to apply a clickable link to the entire module, you can do so here.
- Module Link URL – Paste the URL of the link you would like to apply to this module here. This makes the entire module clickable and when clicked it will direct visitors to the URL pasted here.
- Module Link Target – Defining a link target determines whether the link, when clicked, opens in a new tab or in the same window. Choose “In The Same Window” if you want the link to open in the same window and click “In The New Tab” if you would like that link to open in a new tab. By default, “In The Same Window” is selected.