Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric Tests

They are used to provide valid and reliable evidence of levels of abilities, intelligence, personality, aptitudes and attainments.


  Aptitude and Ability tests

  Personality Assessments

  Culture & Motivation Assessments

  Career Guidance Tools

The best definition of aptitude tests is that they are a scientific way of evaluating and grading people’s talent as well as their natural intellect in relation to a certain field. They are structured to find out, at the most fundamental level, whether your potential employees have what it takes to take on a particular position and thrive. In regard to this, every aptitude test used by Executive Edge Consulting is specially customized for particular job positions.

Personality assessments look beyond professional prowess and intellect and dig into the character of your potential recruits. At Executive Edge, personality assessment tests are not just forms filled with standard questions. We follow a rigorous process of interviewing and assessing more than just what is written.

Not all HR consultants or HR firms will give you a culture and motivation assessment of your employees and potential recruits but we will. Such an assessment is meant to show you what lifestyle patterns and values your people hold dear.

In addition to all these tests, the career guidance program at Executive Edge is a clear and resourceful guide for every member of your staff to help him or her realize their destiny at your company. As your company grows, you also want its employees to grow with it. This way that same character that they put into it during its early stages can carry on for a long time.