Training Programs


To ensure that your staff is able to achieve set targets, it is important to equip them with the necessary tools. These tools could be in form of machinery, conducive environment or a great pay. Although all these play an important role in achieving your company’s objectives, it is equipping your staff with the right skills that will see you excel beyond your imagination.

At EEC we will partner with you by engaging fully with your firm with the aim of establishing the skills gap and developing a programme for bridging it.

Our training packages are well researched, interactive, engaging and most of all, do not end after the course. We will make constant follow-ups to ensure that points of action are met and milestones are noted and rewarded.

The packages are tailor-made.  We don’t believe “one size fits all”.

Cultural sensitivity and diversity

The people in your organization come from a variety of cultures – they could even be from different countries. This means that cultural sensitivity is a trait that everyone at the office needs to embrace in order to preserve good working synergy. The diversity training programs at Executive Edge are modeled to instil this sensitivity and train people on how to handle issues such as culture shock, value conflict and strange beliefs held by other people.

It is important that everyone can learn about each others cultures and customs so that they can know what to look out for and what to refrain from doing at the office.

Stress Management

Some of the causes of stress can be traced to problems in finding a work/life balance. Your best guy can be a star in the office, delivering assignments in time, closing clients and projects like a pro and inspiring others while he’s at it. But if the same success does not reflect at home, it will only be a matter of time before the signs and symptoms of this lack of symmetry begin to show. This might be seen as a personal matter to most employees but our team is equipped to train them on how to find that balance regardless of what kind of background they come from or what sort of position they have.

Self branding and Self motivation

Many a times the issue of low self motivation may be attributed to an unsatisfying job with non-challenging tasks. Sometimes it can be caused by unhealthy working conditions, either unergonomic physical environment such as bad desks, chairs, faulty or slow computers… the list can go on. With a team of professional HR specialists such as Executive Edge’s, you can easily narrow down on what self motivation issues exist in the office whether physical, psychological or emotional. Once these issues are noted, they can be addressed and eliminated. Furthermore, we can define the motivating factors that will get everyone inspired to put their best into the firm’s goals and use them to improve the organization.

Time Management

As a soft skill, time management can help the organization smoothen out its activities. Meetings don’t have to take too long or start too late. A lot more productivity can be achieved when everyone clocks out the right number of hours each day. What they also do with their time is important as it needs to align with the greater goals of the company.

Leadership & Management Training

Every organization can only get as good as its leadership and management. The leaders and managers of an organization are the link between the current state of the firm and where it wants to be. They lead the organization towards its vision.To achieve this, special skills are needed.

Executive Edge has the capacity to impart crucial leadership skills to your firms change makers and goal setters. Our leadership and management training programs are structured to put your company’s goals in focus and within reach.

Executive Edge has the capacity to impart crucial leadership skills to your firms change makers and goal setters. Our leadership and management training programs are structured to put your company’s goals in focus and within reach.

Change Management

This is the process of achieving the smooth implementation of change by planning and introducing it systematically, taking into account the likelihood of being resisted. Types of change can be of three types: Strategic, operational and transformational. EEC will be involved in initiating change and also act as a stabilizing force in situations where change would be damaging.

Teamwork & Team Building

Teamwork improves organizations by taking advantage of collective strengths. Being able to harness this resource is your best bet for success as an organization. It creates a unified work ethic amongst employees in which everyone trusts each other to protect the firm’s values and work hard to maintain good relations. Building a solid team takes effort, strategy and most importantly a commitment to preserving organizational principles/values.With our help you can build the kind of seamless team spirit for your firm that will make achieving company targets as simple and inexpensive as possible.

Supervisory Skills

Even with the right kind of leadership on board, your company needs the kind of supervisors who will inspire productivity in everyone at the office. They need to be able to understand subordinate’s needs and also align with the expectations of the company. Such important supervisory skills can be instilled with the right kind of training from our experienced HR trainers.


Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills do not necessarily refer to mastering the latest lingo in business speak or having the best promotional language at the tip of your tongue. They are really about being able to associate positively with other people, whether they are clients, co-workers, supervisors or subordinates. Forming good relations with everyone in the working environment is achievable by learning a few simple interpersonal skills. At Executive Edge Consulting, you and your staff can get the best interpersonal skills training courses with a practical approach that serves value to your firm.

Customer Service Skills

The well known saying Customer is King cannot be emphasized more vividly in HR teams. Skills that consistently keep the client happy and attached to your firm are not just for the front end employees. They are for everyone in the firm. This is because at any point any of your employees is a representative of your firms image both inside and outside the work environment.