You cannot build a career without connecting with people. Networking essentially determines where you end up in your career. Developing networks will dramatically aid your career development as well as your organizational success and effectiveness. Here are10  tips to help you build effective networks at your work place

1.Visit company hotspots

Frequent the places where people from work congregate. This may seem obvious, but there are plenty of opportunities to make connections with coworkers every day.  If you are currently in the procurement department and would like to move to marketing, then by all means make connections with the people in marketing. Is there a place where people go to during breaks? Be visible and ask the right question at these times as a way to expand your network.

2. Be genuine

Be genuine in your interactions with your co-workers. Don’t try too much. If you do, you may be seen as a bother and end up being avoided by everyone.

3.Attend company events

Attend company events as this is where incredible relationship building happens. Create time to attend as many company events as you can.

4. Schedule time to intentionally network with your colleagues

Networking is not something that you can outsource. You have to create time for it. When taking a break from your work, use that time to build your networks.  This can be during tea breaks, lunch breaks or even in the evenings after work.  However keep it as short as possible because some people may not appreciate you taking too much of their time.  You can also add a few coworkers on LinkedIn or Google+.

5. Be friendly and encouraging to co-workers.

When interacting with colleagues, be pleasant and friendly. Show people that you are a joyful and fun person. No one wants to be stuck next to a gloomy or grumpy person even for a minute. If you portray friendliness people will want to interact with you.

6. Find a mutual connection

Learn to understand how to read people quickly and find what you have in common. With so much public information out there, this is easier to do today. You are more likely to get a response from someone if you have already found a shared interest or acquaintance in advance of introducing yourself.

7. Do what you say you will

If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Do not over-promise and under-deliver, instead, maintain credibility by following through with your commitments.  By keeping your promises, your reputation spreads throughout your network. If you are unable to complete a task for some reason, make sure information is communicated to all team members who would be impacted.

8. If you share an office, be considerate

Find out how your office mate works and be respectful. For example, some people need to work in complete silence, while others enjoy background music. Make sure you’re not inadvertently making your office mate crazy with your personal habits.

9. Understand that people are unique and dwell on their positive qualities, not their negative qualities.

It is acceptable to not be friends with everyone, but try to at least be professional and cordial in your interactions.

10. Rise above office gossip.

Avoid peddling office gossip as this spoils your reputation as a professional. No one wants to be associated with gossips.

What are some of the methods you use to connect with your colleagues? Feel free to share with us in the comments section  below.