The Covid 19 pandemic has caused a lot of damage on people’s livelihoods. It is not just for the businesses but the people that were working in those business. A lot of careers have been cut short with a good number of them unlikely to be revived as they are likely to see a lot of change. In that same premise, with job cuts many are not likely to get back to their pay brackets even as business are making a comeback.
It doesn’t take anyone as a shock that this massive pay cuts are directly related to business losses and even some having to start all over again. What begs for an answer is how prepared are you now that the supply is larger than the demand (more looking for jobs with a few opportunities to compete against)?
Recently, I visited a resort which happened to be not far away from my usual travel. This visit was out of curiosity to see inside the establishment while also keen to see how they were managing after the government lock-down. Of course, it wasn’t a surprise to see that many of the fanfare areas had been closed within and only a few guests and staff seen around. I am told during the normal days the place was filled and business was booming. Anyway, the staff were quite friendly perhaps as they say at the entrance you come as a visit and leave as a friend stood true – I was impressed with the reception from the main gate security to the other staff. Who knows also if this are desperate actions as they have to try and bring in back the business?
Well, I got talking to the manager, a young friendly man who had noticed me from an earlier visit done the same day. I was surprised he had taken note of me. As we spoke, he confessed to me how he had worked for over a decade in the 5-star hotels but ended up losing his job soon after joining. He was certain that opportunity would help him grow his career and climb up the ladder. Lo and behold! Five months into the job, he was shown the door. He was quick to admit that he isn’t sure that even when things get back, he would be able to earn the same he used to. For survival, he took on a job that was paying him as an entrant to at least manage paying his bills.
This is one of the many people I have been speaking with lately, they are people who were once thriving in their careers but now don’t even know where to begin as they have had to be stopped. The bitter truth is that you have to rise up and start all over if that is what it takes!
I have six few tips that could be helpful as you’re getting up on your knees:
Accept the happenings
You may have lost your job. Don’t blame it on anyone or even yourself – the times have called for changes which even your employer has probably been the hardest hit.
Cut your coat according to your cloth
You could have been able to afford that nice fashion trend dress or jacket every often so. Or visiting that fancy restaurant and ordering your choice drink. Or had enough to live in that residential address that most of your well-to-do friends are. Learn to live prudently and for yourself. You wont die for not having bought a new dress in a year – you will even be surprised at how many you never wore! Move out of that big mansion or locality to where you can afford.
Review your Resume
You may have become a specialist in one area as you were growing into your career but that doesn’t mean you can be able to do other. Reveal those skills in your resume. See that you have checked any typos (employers right now also have to really screen for they are spoilt for choices). Seek for help from friends or professionals. You can also check free sites on the internet.
Be Open-minded
You may have found yourself in one industry for a long time and think you cannot thrive outside it. This is calling for you to think and act outside the box – apply for positions outside, you may be surprised that you could get up sooner than you imagined and enjoy the new transition.
Learn Something New
Perhaps you have been forced to stay at home with ample time on your hands. Don’t just sit down doing nothing except from watching TV or wallowing in sorrow. There are many learning online sites offering free courses which could help you stay engaged and build a new skill for your resume. You could also apply for online jobs which could come a long way in sorting some of your most pressing bills.
Talk to someone
It is hard and people are suffering at their four walls. Find someone whom you can share on your challenges or have a good laugh in silence (funny how this is possible but it happens to me). It helps a great deal as you feel a load lifted from you. Try also meditating or listening to some cool relaxing music to enable you get your energy back.
Avoid negative energy around you – there are people out there who thrive in your misery but you have all the power to rid them from your life.
You are not alone and together we can make a comeback and thrive as we did once before!